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The Mackenzie, The Trilogy Box Set Page 6
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Damn propriety, and the prince, he would fill her card and prevent him from monopolizing her time. It was, after all a masquerade ball, not a soul would know him or care how many times they took to the floor together. The Prince of Wales’s guests, so far, consisted of widows or gamesters, and not the elite society usually frequenting Lady Adrianna’s circles. God help him, she aroused him and he did not want to frighten her. Indeed, most of his conquests had been anything but innocent. Bold Adrianna may be, but her first kiss had given him the impression she remained pure as driven snow.
Not wanting to appear too anxious to explore the maze and his need to taste her soft, sweet mouth, he encouraged Adrianna to take refreshment, and seated beside Rupert, they listened to the music. He noticed Rupert examining the small gathering with interest and touched his arm. “How did ye manage an invitation to this gathering? These people canna be your usual acquaintances or have I been mistaken about ye?”
“Ah, no I do not usually find myself in such interesting company.” Rupert lifted his chin toward a young man with large brown eyes and pouty lips. He dropped his voice and spoke in Gaelic. “I assume His Majesty has invited me because he believes I am of a particular persuasion and not because I enjoy a game of cards.” He cleared his throat. “Even more so as I requested to bring you along as my particular friend.”
“Ah, now it all becomes clear.” Drew smiled at his cousin’s flushed cheeks. “He made the most outrageous enquiries about my exploits with French courtesans. I gather he had red lips over yonder picked out for your entertainment fore by?” He grinned. “Or is he not to your taste?”
“Duin do bhuel!” Rupert glared at him. “This is not something to discuss in mixed company, nor any of your concern.”
“Are you arguing again?” Adrianna placed her plate on the table and blotted her lips with a fine linen napkin. “What on earth does, ‘Dùin do bhuel’ mean? It is not a language I am familiar with.”
“I must apologize, my lady.” Lord Rupert inclined his head. “I am afraid I told Drew to ah … ‘be quiet,’ so I may hear the music.” He sighed. “The language is Gaelic.”
Drew grinned. He had noticed the subtle byplay between Rupert and the young man the moment they entered the marquee. He tells me to shut my mouth and yet he must know Adrianna is aware of his preferences. She feels safe with him as she would with a sister. He sipped his drink avoiding Adrianna’s gaze not wanting to offer an explanation. Without doubt, if she ventured to Scotland, she would learn the Gaelic fast enough without his assistance. Placing the glass on the table, he turned to her. “Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the maze?”
“Indeed.” Adrianna smiled. “Are you coming, Rupert?”
“Yes.” Rupert got to his feet and offered her his arm. “Some fresh air would be invigorating.” He gave Drew a knowing look then led her from the marquee and along a wide pathway toward the maze.
Adrianna placed her fingertips on Rupert’s arm and heart racing in anticipation, forced her mind to concentrate on his discussion about the various flowers in the palace gardens, although her mind had other notions apart from the beauty of nature. Having Drew so close beside her, indeed a mere hand span separated them, sent her normal calm exterior into disarray. She flared her nostrils to inhale the delicious scent of a freshly bathed man, oblivious of the late summer rose bushes spread out on each side of the pathway.
As the entrance to the maze came into view, she noticed with some distress the amount of guests milling around. How could she possibly speak in private with Drew with so many others in plain sight?
“Are you familiar with the maze, my lady?” Lord Rupert raised one perfect blond eyebrow and smiled at her.
The memory of her father’s teasing at her distress caused her to reply rather sharply. “Yes, I do recall finding myself completely lost inside some years ago and my father made quite a jest of the affair.”
“Have no fear. I know this maze like the back of my hand. In fact, there is a small section closed to guests. The groundskeepers are making repairs to the pathway but will not be bothering us today. We will go there and avoid being disturbed or indeed overheard.” Rupert led the way onto the grass and she followed him toward the tall clipped hedges surrounding the maze.
Some distance away from the other guests, they turned a corner to find an entrance blocked by a stepladder. Drew moved forward and with an angelic smile lifted the obstacle for her to enter. Once inside the maze, he replaced the ladder and turned his intense gaze on her.
“Will ye walk with me, Adrianna?” He offered his arm. “I have so many questions to ask ye.”
“And, I you.” She gave Rupert an apologetic smile. “Do you mind?” She placed the tips of her fingers on Drew’s green velvet sleeve.
“No, I will remain here and wait for you” Rupert indicated to a nearby bench. “I am sure I can trust Drew to behave like a gentleman.” He gave Drew an austere stare.
“Ye can indeed and I thank ye.” Drew led her deeper into the shady dark maze. “I do believe there is an arbor at the end of this row.” He smiled. “Ah, there it is.” He moved into a cozy nook set inside the hedge, took a white silk kerchief from his sleeve, and dusted the wooden bench. “Ma lady.” He waved her toward the seat.
She sat down and smoothed her skirts not sure what subject she should offer in conversation. He sat beside her and his muscular thigh brushed her leg sending her heart racing. The heat of him seeped through the material of her dress, the petticoats below, and her shift to warm her in a most disconcerting fashion. When he reached for her hand, she lost all sense of propriety and answered the caress of his thumb with a gentle squeeze of encouragement. Her boldness startled her, as did the heat in his eyes.
Heavens above, he gazed upon her with an expression of sensual delight, his green eyes almost hidden under long black lashes. She could not waste what precious time they had together in idle conversation. In truth, she craved the taste of him and with wanton abandon placed one hand on his chest. Wetting her lips, she caught his sharp intake of breath and lifted her chin. The ostrich feather perched on her hat dropped between them brushing Drew’s nose. His eyes crossed for a moment then he snorted with amusement.
“I thought a large blue spider had fallen from the bushes.” His teeth flashed white in the dim light. “Would you mind verra much if I removed your hat?” Without waiting for her reply, he skillfully removed the hatpin and lay the offending garment on the bench.
She wanted to offer an apology, but the next moment his mouth closed over her lips. He placed one large hand on her waist and slid her onto his lap. Perched in a precarious position with the heat from his muscular thighs searing her bottom, she gripped his broad shoulders, and melted into his embrace. He traced a path along her lips with the tip of his moist tongue demanding entrance and the delightful taste of sweet wine spilled over her taste buds. She pressed closer moaning in delight and opening her mouth for him. He flicked his inquisitive tongue inside to caress and tease, driving her to insensibility.
He trailed ardent kisses across her chin, down her neck then paused over the neck of her low cut gown and flicked his emerald gaze to her in a subtle request. Gasping, she tipped back her head in acquiescence and heart racing waited for the pleasure to come. However, none of his kisses brushed her bare décolletage. Instead, without taking his gaze from her face, he dipped his long fingers inside the front of her gown and cupped her breast. Flames of need licked her folds and the now familiar wetness leaked between her thighs. She gasped out his name. “Drew, I–I … ”
“Hush, sweetness.” He skillfully exposed her breasts to the cool air and gently squeezed each throbbing nipple. “I will not hurt ye. Is ma touch pleasurable to ye?”
She gasped her acquiescence then stared at him incoherently as if he held her in an erotic spell. Blinded by lust, she arched into his hand wanting more of his forbidden touch. Aware her legs trembled and not wanting to slip from his lap, she took a firm grip of his shoulder.
“This is madness. I hardly know you, but it would seem you have driven all sense from my mind.”
“Do I now? Well, that is as it should be between a man and a woman that have a fierce attraction.” His husky voice had dropped a full octave. “I have acted inappropriately, but God help me, Adrianna, it is as if we have known each other for a lifetime.” He examined her face. “Tell me it is not the same for ye?”
Denial spent a fleeting moment in her mind then melted like the snow in spring. She lifted her chin to meet his hooded gaze. His expression held such tenderness toward her, tears stung the backs of her eyes. God help her, his delightfully slow caresses would see her undone but held with such tenderness in his strong, powerful arms, respectability fled.
She wanted Mister Drew Mackenzie and damn the consequences. “Yes, I feel the same toward you and it is thrilling as well as most disturbing.”
“Ye are so verra beautiful.” Drew’s attention dropped to her exposed breasts. “So white, and full, and your nipples are like ripe cherries begging for me to taste them.”
A breeze rustled through the hedges hitting her bare flesh and her nipples tightened but inside she burned for him. Her cheeks flamed. No other man had seen her so uncovered or spoken to her in such an outrageous manner, but she did not want him to stop. She swallowed hard and regarded him with curiosity. “You want to taste them? Do tell, is that a normal request?”
“Och, lass, it is a beautiful experience and nothing to be ashamed of, it is the way men pay devotion to women they desire. I am sure ye will find the experience most pleasing.” He caressed her aching nipples with his rough thumbs, and she gasped with delight.
He observed her intently, then as if waiting for her to refuse his advances paused his exploration, and rested his hot fingers on her neck. Panting with need, she grasped a handful of his raven hair and boldly kissed him. He made a low growling sound deep in his chest and breaking the kiss bent his head. The moment his mouth closed over one hard bud, flames of passion licked her core. Dear God, she would die of such wicked delights. In abandon, she pressed his head to her and wallowed in the wonderful sensations each lash of his inquisitive tongue produced. She pressed into his embrace, demanding he give his attention to the other breast and he complied with a low satisfied chuckle.
As he suckled, nipped, and grazed his sharp teeth over her sensitive flesh, spirals of delight curled deep inside her soaking core. She clung to him driven to the point of insanity by his lusty attentions and wriggled to relieve the insistent ache between her thighs.
He let out a moan akin to pain and lifted his head.
“I would bid ye to remain still, mo nighean donn.” He rearranged her position on his lap. “Do I please ye?”
She pressed her thighs together in an attempt to quell the delightful throbbing in her groin and pushed her words out on a moan. “You take me to a strange place indeed. I admit I have never felt so wonderful and yet so bereft.”
“Aye, I ken the way of things, but although I yearn for ye too, I will not take this further, not now.”
She touched his face, wanting more of the delights he offered. His words of restraint silenced the little worry worm inside her head. “I thank you for your consideration although, I must admit, I do so enjoy your most ardent kisses.” She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. “Your touch makes me restless and long for more, yet I am worried this delight you offer is sinful.”
“What ye feel is not wrong when it is with a man who cares for your well-being.” He nuzzled her cheek. “I would not dishonor ye by taking ye afore we wed, nor be so low as to have ye on a park bench nay matter if ye begged me. I dinna have to bed ye to ease ye but I will not do so yet. Not until we have an understanding.” He brushed tender kisses to the corners of her mouth. “In truth, I have seduced ye. I ken verra well how to please a woman, but I dinna come here to take advantage of ye. Ye are not compromised and may walk away wi’ nay harm done.”
She cupped his nape and gazed into his liquid emerald eyes. “No harm, you say? Do you believe I would allow any other man to touch me so?”
“Nay. We are verra well matched and ye have responded to me as ye should.” He caressed her breast in his large, warm hand. “I also ken ye are new to a man’s touch and I have awoken your womanly lust, but I am willing to offer ye so much more than kisses. I want ye, Adrianna, but afore ye say anything, ye must ken more about me.”
“I know all I need to know. Rupert has informed me of your weakness for mistresses and of your business.” She fought against the flames of desire licking between her thighs for coherent words. “I do not want a suitor who beds mistresses, and although your touch drives me to the point of madness, I am seeking a love match.”
“So am I and if ye will allow me to call on ye, I will not visit ma mistress, ye have ma word. Indeed, all are in France and I have no reason to return for some time.” He glanced toward Lord Rupert waiting inside the entrance to the maze then shrugged. “I am surprised Rupert told ye of ma business, he must trust ye not to speak a word of it to anyone especially your father.”
She stared at him blankly for some moments in an effort to get her mind around his declaration. Rupert had mentioned a business concerning horses. Heavens above, could he be involved in racing his beasts? Her father would not approve of such activities, to be sure. No wonder he required time to establish a respectable business before approaching him. Taking a deep breath to steady her racing heart, she smiled. “You have my confidence.”
He nodded slowly and met her gaze with a serious expression.
“If who and what I am does not trouble ye. Will ye agree to accept nay other gentleman’s attention until I am able to speak wi’ your father?” He frowned. “It will mean continuing in this fashion until I am able to obtain references from The Duke of Bainbridge and documentation regarding my business in France. I canna remain in London for more than a month. Much as I desire to remain here and court ye, I will have to return to ma home in Badenoch for a short time.” His expression turned to one of deep longing. “I did so want to call on ye in the respectable way ye deserve, but I had to act now because the thought of your father insisting ye wed an old widower makes my blood boil. Will ye do me the honor of waiting for me to return, sweet Adrianna?”
She cupped his chin and met the longing in his emerald eyes. “I would wait forever for you, Drew Mackenzie.”
Chapter Five
The following week sped by in a whirlwind of forbidden romance, although Drew’s attentions went no further than kissing under the scrutiny of Lord Rupert. Flowers arrived from Drew daily, filling Adrianna’s bedroom with the heady scent of roses. The attached cards, unsigned but filled with endearments littered her dressing table. The bouquets of red blooms had become the talk of society with all believing Lord Rupert was on the cusp of making an offer. Indeed, her father greeted him on his arrival and would insist, he take drinks with him in the study. Dear Rupert carried on the ruse in splendid fashion and their romance had become the current topic of conversation at every gathering.
When the invitation to the Prince of Wales’s masquerade ball arrived she stared at the royal seal, and her heart raced in anticipation. Once again, she would be with Drew in public but to ensure their secrecy, he had decided to cover his long black locks with a wig. No one would recognize him as Drew Mackenzie, not when the Prince of Wales had accepted him as Monsieur James Alexander confidant to King Louis.
When the day of the ball arrived, unable to rest after luncheon, she paced the decorative Chinese rug on the bedroom floor wishing the hours would pass and she would be in Drew’s arms once more. A knock on the door brought Betty into her room carrying a silver tray adorned with a small box and one single red rose.
“This came for you, milady.” Betty smiled. Lord Rupert is such a generous suitor. Do you not find him most handsome?”
She removed the rose and inhaled the sweet fragrance ignoring her servant’s impudent question. “This will need water.” She repl
aced it on the silver tray and lifted the box. “Off you go, Betty.”
The door closed behind the indignant maid. She smiled. Of course, she would indulge the girl by showing her the contents of the box on her return, but she required a few moments of privacy to enjoy her gift. With care, she unpicked the red ribbon and peered inside. “Oh how charming.” She lifted out a silk mask decorated with blue gemstones and admired the superb quality. Pressing it to her face, she turned to the mirror.
Her reflection showed cheeks flushed with excitement, eyes sparkling with love. She lifted the card and read the familiar hand.
Only such gems do justice to your exquisite eyes. I crave your presence. You warm my heart like sunshine on a summer’s day.
Until tonight.
A familiar wetness, pooled at the junction of her thighs at the memory of his intimate kisses. Indeed, his ardent devotion of her breasts had near made her beg him to ease her restlessness. In his stead, Rupert called on her almost every day to escort her to their rendezvous. They had strolled every secluded spot available in London then moved further afield. She had fond memories of rambling through the woods at Box Hill with Drew and stealing kisses behind giant oaks.
Her maid, thought her most inconsiderate of Lord Rupert for leaving him cooling his heels in her company. Indeed, the sweet girl could not fathom her sudden desire to be alone to pick wildflowers or to examine a certain exhibit at the museum unattended. To be sure, her extended visits to the necessary had brought raised eyebrows on many occasions. No matter, she would do whatever was required to spend precious time alone with Drew. Later, at the masquerade ball with the guests believing her to be in Lord Rupert’s company, she would leave him in plain sight, and sneak away in the pretense of visiting the retiring room to meet Drew.