The Mackenzie, The Trilogy Box Set Read online

Page 5

  He searched her face for any hint of distress then bent to brush a chaste kiss across her damp lips. Her soft mouth opened to him and the taste of white wine and raspberry tart rolled over his tongue. Inexperienced though she was, she responded to him with unexpected passion. The heated feminine scent of her confused his senses, reason fled and he ravished her mouth in a demanding kiss.

  “Ah-hem.” Rupert gripped his shoulder. “We should be getting back before we are missed or Lord Beachwood will have me leg-shackled to Lady Adrianna by daybreak.”

  Annoyed by the intrusion, Drew lifted his head from paradise and gazed at her confused expression. Glossy brown curls had fallen from her coiffure to frame her face. Forcing back the desire to take a silken strand and wrap it around his finger, he stepped back and bowed. “I will look forward to our meeting, tomorrow, Adrianna.”

  Adrianna stared at Drew Mackenzie in disbelief, her gaze traveled over his features blanched gray in the moonlight. His full tempting mouth glistened from their kiss and his eyes watched her with an unnerving intensity. In an effort to take a single breath, she fought the unfamiliar yet desirous emotions surging through her.

  He had kissed her.

  Heavens above, I kissed him back.

  She ran the tip of her tongue across her lips reveling in the taste of him. Goodness, she would not have believed a kiss could be so delightful. The tenderness of his lips sliding so wonderfully over her mouth and the heat from his hard body seeping through her silk bodice had curled her toes. The back of her hand still tingled from his soft caress and her heart raced in a most disconcerting fashion. She caught the flash of white from his smile and swallowed hard.

  “Aye, we have an attraction.” He bowed then straightened. “The hours will drag unmercifully until we meet again.”

  Drew’s voice washed over her, and Rupert’s hand gripped her elbow before she succumbed to a threatening swoon and guided her back toward the house.

  “Come along, Adrianna.”

  The moment they stepped into the light, Rupert regarded her closely.

  “Let me look at you.” He pushed a curl back into place. “I beg you to hide your swollen lips with your fan before they are noticed. We will take refreshments then go and speak with your father about my intention to escort you to Hampton Court Palace.”

  She opened her fan and peeked at him over the top. “Thank you. Did you know, my dearest Rupert, I have just experienced my first kiss.”

  “I assumed so.” Rupert offered his arm. “I could not imagine you swooning over Lord Balham or any of your father’s cronies.” He cleared his throat. “Do be careful, Adrianna. I would hate to see Drew break your heart. As one so innocent, I fear you are somewhat vulnerable to a man of his charms.”

  She tried to drag her mind from the dreamlike state Drew had induced and smiled. “But did you not insist he is a man of honor.”

  “He is most honorable.” Rupert sighed. “But he is a man.”

  * * * *

  In the early hours of the following morning, Adrianna stared into the darkness unable to sleep. She tossed and turned for some hours before slipping from the bed and moving to the window. She threw open the heavy brocade curtains then pressed both hands to the windowsill and stared into the star-filled heavens. From now on, night would hold a special meaning for her. She held the secret of a handsome man bathed in moonlight with soft lips and a demanding kiss. She cupped her breasts and ran the pads of both thumbs over her hard tingling nipples wanting more of him. Drew Mackenzie had ignited a passion in her, a desire she did not understand. Her nurse had failed to describe the delicious hardening of nipples or the rush of damp heat between her legs. Dear Lord, a throb of pleasure curled between her folds at the mere thought of him. Her nurse’s instructions on wifely duty had mentioned pain but not pleasure. Sighing, she crawled back into bed and gazed at the sky watching the night fade to a new exciting dawn.

  Chapter Four

  Each stroke of the valet’s brush over Drew’s green velvet jacket sent dust motes dancing in the shaft of sunlight streaming through the window of his dressing room. He adjusted his waistcoat and admired his reflection in the standing mirror. The black silk affair with extravagant silver buttons and exceptional embroidery was one of his particular favorites and in the French mode. Dressed in this fashion, he would easily pass for a French lord, especially in the company of Lord Rupert. After two years abroad, his Parisian accent was faultless, so why did he suffer the annoying cramping of his wame? He pulled on his gloves and glared at his image with such distaste his valet dropped the brush with a troubled expression.

  “Is there anything amiss, milord?” Rotheram fluttered his arms like a butterfly pinned to a collector’s board.

  Drew cleared his throat. “Not at all, I had the occasion to dwell on an unpleasant memory is all.”

  Why on God’s Earth had he risen before dawn and paced his study like an untried youth contemplating his first call on a lady? He did not have the slightest concern about meeting the Prince of Wales. As Lord Rupert’s guest, Prince Frederick would accept him without question especially as he had the good fortune to speak fluent German, and had the same interest as the prince. To be sure, his malaise came from the prospect of bathing in Lady Adrianna’s beauty and traveling in such an intimate fashion with her to Hampton Court. No other woman had lured him into her web of delights with such intensity. His mouth twitched unnervingly and threatened to spread into a smile at the memory of her kiss. He clamped his jaw shut and arranged the French lace at his cuffs. Rotheram will be convinced I have lost my wits if I grin like a ninny.

  Sweet Adrianna was very different from the women who usually attracted his attention. He did not have to bend double to kiss her and her lush body fitted well against him. Her silken curls reminded him of the rich golden brown of a horse chestnut newly escaped from its husk. Not a dull brown, to be sure, but alive with streaks of gold. Why had the young bucks overlooked her at her first come out? If not for her remarkable countenance then surely her intelligent, witty mind would be favorable. Then again, it would seem the current mode for a suitable female in polite English society preordained women to be petite, blonde, with the penchant of aimless twittering. No wonder, he had never had the slightest inclination to become leg-shackled to a Sassenach and had spent his time with a procession of widows.

  He arranged his features to display his usual dispassionate air and took the hat offered by Rotheram. “It is a beautiful day for a walk in the gardens of Hampton Court Palace and I should not require ma cloak but bring it along. I will be in ma study. Inform me the moment Lord Rupert arrives.”

  “Yes, milord.” Rotheram opened the dressing room door and bowed low.

  * * * *

  Lord Rupert’s carriage, complete with four exquisite grays arrived spot on time. Inside Adrianna leaned against the red velvet squabs, her heart pounding with excitement at meeting Drew again. How bold to think of him in such an intimate fashion. She smiled at Lord Rupert and fingered the ribbons on her pale blue dress. She had taken care with her appearance and worn her most spectacular hat, complete with a daring silk bow and ostrich feather.

  “You are the epitome of beauty, my dear.” Lord Rupert inclined his head. “I dare say, you will be the talk of the town.”

  “You always give me the nicest compliments, my lord.” She inclined her head. “To be sure, I will be the food of much gossip walking out alone with you today.”

  “Ah, but we will not be alone.” Lord Rupert’s full mouth twitched into a smile. “We will be traveling with Mister Mackenzie. Indeed, we are just now arriving at his townhouse.” He waved toward a stylish house in a tree-lined street. “Will you excuse me for one moment, my lady?” The door opened and he stepped out.

  Moments later, he emerged with Drew dressed in an elegant emerald green affair to match his eyes. Her mouth watered at the sight of the handsome Scot moving toward her in long strides. The door to the carriage opened and in a flourish, he removed his h
at, and gave her an elegant bow.

  “I am your most obedient servant, ma lady.” Drew climbed into the carriage in a cloud of bergamot and sat facing her. He smiled and his eyes danced with mischief. “Ye are a vision of loveliness to be sure. I am honored and much relieved ye have agreed to see me again.”

  Oh my, you are a vision of forbidden delights and you smell divine. She offered him her most coquettish smile. “How could I refuse such an intriguing offer?”

  “Intriguing indeed and one, I might add, fraught with danger.” Lord Rupert dropped onto the seat beside Drew and removed his hat. “As luck would have it, the invitations to the Prince of Wales’s garden party have been restricted to a few close friends. I know for certain, none of the people attending will recognize Mister Mackenzie.”

  “I beg ye both to refer to me by ma Christian name, we are all involved in this deceit and are way past the necessities of formality.” Drew’s green gaze narrowed on her. “For your protection, ma lady, I have decided to be introduced to the Prince of Wales as Lord Alexander and will speak French if we should encounter anyone at all or German if I am required to speak with the prince.” He smiled at her. “It will appear I am the one acting as chaperone, as we all ken what a lecherous lad Rupert is, aye.”

  She smiled. Rupert’s ears had turned a delicate rose pink. Her attention moved between the two gentlemen and settled on their eyes. To be sure, Drew was dark haired and tall with broad shoulders while Rupert was smaller in stature and no wig could match his impressive mass of golden curls, but the shape and color of their eyes matched as if they were brothers. The familiar way Drew spoke to him told of a long association or indeed as one might speak with a brother. An illegitimate brother? Heavens above, no wonder Drew refused to approach her father.

  “Are you quite well, Adrianna?” Lord Rupert gave her a quizzical gaze.

  How could she possibly approach the subject? She could not in all honesty continue in this fashion if indeed, Drew was one of the Duke of Bainbridge’s by-blows. Dear God, she might as well elope with a groom. Gathering her courage, she met Rupert’s gaze. “You seem to be on very familiar terms with Mister Mackenzie, my lord. I find myself wondering why you have never mentioned him to me.”

  “Mister Mackenzie is it again, lass?” Drew leaned back in the seat and stretched his long legs. One muscular calf clad in an immaculate white stocking, brushed the hem of her dress and her heart raced. He offered a benevolent smile. “I will answer that question for ye. We are cousins, but since ma Auntie Jenny died, the Duke of Bainbridge refuses to acknowledge ma family.” He sighed. “I dinna think Rupert would mention me as we rarely see each other anymore. I have lived in France for two years past and afore that, ye would have been a mite too young to discuss suitable beaus. Rupert and I grew up together until he left Scotland to attend school in London.” He lifted a dark eyebrow. “I raised the very same question with Rupert about ye.”

  She relaxed although, his referral to her as “lass” did seem a trifle forward. “I would imagine you have many tales to tell about each other?”

  “Aye, I do.” Drew’s mouth curled into a wicked grin. “Rupert had this wee dog. A frightfully ugly beast, wi’ long fur and a wicked bite.” He chuckled and grinned at Rupert’s obvious discomfiture. “He carried the flea bitten rodent everywhere wi’ him, like a wee dolly.” He chortled and squeezed his impressive bulk into the corner of the carriage.

  She bit back a grin at Rupert’s tragic expression. “Is he by chance, referring to Fru?”

  Rupert, his face the color of a ripe cherry, glared at her. “Yes, I would imagine he is.”

  “Och, Rupert, the ugly beastie canna still be alive?” Drew raised both eyebrows in an expression of astonishment. “My God, he must be twenty years old or more?” He chuckled with unbridled mirth. “Please tell me, ye dinna still carry the hairy dung beetle under your arm everywhere ye go?”

  Rupert gave him a scandalized look. “Well, yes. In fact, I do, but my current Fru Fru is less than two—indeed, a mere pup and I can assure you, he does not have fleas.”

  “Well, I must admit, ye smell a might better than ye did afore.” Drew sniffed appreciatively. “Do ye douse the wee beastie wi’ your own fragrance? I must admit lavender is a might better than wet dog.” At Rupert’s moan of distress, he held up both hands in surrender snorting with amusement. “Och, dinna get so testy, Rupert. I ken ye loved the wee beastie, but ye should have had a sword in your hand. A wee dog will not protect ye.” He turned his attention back to her. “Do you ken the wee beastie, ma lady?”

  The image of the small much loved fluffy dog, crossed her mind. Fru Fru was one of a line of companions of the same name. She had comforted Rupert and attended the garden funeral of his last Fru Fru. To be sure, in a home where Lord Rupert’s father regarded him as the lesser son, he needed the friendship of his little dog. She forced down the giggle rising in her throat and gave Rupert an apologetic nod. “Yes, and I happen to love Fru Fru. He is more than welcome to come with you when you attend me, dearest Rupert.”

  Rupert gave her a courteous nod then rounded on Drew.

  “At least I carry my dog under one arm and do not wear it hanging from my waist on a belt to keep my skirts from falling down.”

  “Och aye?” Drew grinned in a flash of white. “I gather ye are referring to ma sporran? I did not make it from a dog. It came from the pelt of wolf who tried to kill ma horse.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Now then, stop this coarse talk afore ye frighten Adrianna.” He turned to her and offered an apologetic smile that did not quench the laughter in his eyes. “I am sorry for ma teasing but as ye can imagine, poor Rupert here, is used to it.”

  Rupert’s mouth twitched at the corners in a hint of amusement.

  “Well, we cannot choose our sires and although my mother has the bloodlines of Highlanders, it would seem I favor my father in every aspect apart from the Mackenzie green eyes.” He shrugged and smiled at her. “I’m afraid, being a great deal smaller than my cousins did not bode well for me during my time at Foiseil Castle.”

  “Aye, well for some years we thought ye were a lassie.” Drew snorted and slapped Rupert on the knee. “Ye can imagine the shock when we dragged back those golden curls and caught sight of his face.”

  Adrianna glared at him. To be sure, Lord Rupert was a most handsome man. Although, fair of face and without the sharp features of most men, she could not condone such a statement. “I find Rupert’s countenance most pleasing. Indeed, he is looked upon kindly by every woman in my acquaintance.” She stiffened and flicked open her fan to display her annoyance. “To be sure, Lord Rupert does not have to sneak around in order to meet women like you do Mister Mackenzie.”

  “Oh, well met my lady.” Rupert preened and raised a fair eyebrow.

  “Och, I am sorry, Rupert.” Drew looked anything but apologetic. “I never said ye were ugly. I ken ye have women swooning at your feet. I should have explained how much ye resemble your father.” He turned to gaze out of the window. “Ah, our journey is at an end. I can see the lions atop the gates of Hampton Court Palace in the distance.” He smiled at her. “Will ye accept ma apology, for my bold talk in your presence, ma lady? We will be arriving soon and we canna have ye arriving indisposed.”

  She cleared her throat and met his gaze. “I am not at all indisposed, in truth I find your conversation stimulating. I would like it of all things for you to continue the stories about your childhood exploits but not at Rupert’s expense, if you please.”

  Drew’s intense expression heated her cheeks and flamed a path between her thighs. She cleared her throat and to avoid his flirting paid attention to closing her fan. “I am afraid I have no such wonderful tales of childhood to share. You are a most interesting companion and I crave to know more about you.”

  “I am?” Drew leaned back and observed her for a long minute. “I want to ken everything about ye too.”

  As the coach swept through the majestic wrought iron gates and rattled down t
he long wide driveway, she leaned back into the squabs and sighed. Hampton Court Palace had always been a favorite place to visit, but of late, her father had preferred to keep her well away from the Prince of Wales and his decadent womanizing. She had no doubt, he trusted Rupert to protect her. She covered a smile with her fan. If he discovered the truth of it, he would have an apoplexy.

  The coach stopped before the long red building and a footman approached to open the door and let the steps down. Moments later, she mounted the sweeping staircase on Rupert’s arm and they joined the queue and waited for the footman to announce them before she made her curtsy before the Prince of Wales.

  Rising, she swallowed hard at the prince’s candid gaze. Heaven’s above, he was actually assessing her. When he addressed her in broken English, she straightened her spine, and forced her mouth into a small smile.

  “You are most beautiful. I am holding a masquerade ball at the end of the month. I do hope you will attend, my dearest Lady Adrianna?”

  She inclined her head. “I will be honored, Your Royal Highness.”

  “Splendid! I will look forward to taking the floor for the first set with you.” The prince waved a hand toward Lord Rupert, and lowered his voice to a whisper. “I will find someone to occupy him so we may become better acquainted, my dear.”

  At the prince’s outrageous declaration, Drew stepped closer to Adrianna and very nearly forgot his deception. The hair on the back of his neck bristled at the thought of the prince touching her. When the footman announced him as Lord Alexander, he gave his bow, and replied in German to His Majesty’s questions about the delights of French courtesans. Noticing the scandalized expression on Adrianna’s face, he cut short his expressive dialogue, and moved away from the prince as soon as possible. Ah, the sweet lass, speaks German, and French too no doubt. I will have to mind my tongue.

  He strolled into the gardens and followed his companions to a marquee with a refreshments table and a small group of musicians. His attention moved to the sway of Adrianna’s hips and the determined tilt of her chin. His heart sped. Soon he would spend time with her in the maze and in two weeks, he would dance with her at the masquerade ball.