Shifters and Demons Read online

Page 9

  "You are ready to leave, my lady." Kate moved to her side. "I am honored you chose our shop." She smiled. "Has the prince known you very long?" Lailii laughed. About three thousand years. "Yes, I have known my mates for some time."

  "You are truly blessed to have Sir Stryker as a mate, as well as our good Prince Dallin." Kate beamed at Lailii. "The Lady has certainly smiled on you."

  Stryker led the way into the shop. He held out his arm to stop Dallin, and they both stared at Lailii. "Lady's blood, she looks like a goddess."

  "An angel." Dallin moaned. "My only thought is to remove that dress and have her in our bed between us, damp and willing. Lady help me, I'm turning into a sex maniac. I thought the lust would settle with the end of her Moonfire." With a shake of his head, Stryker turned to his lover. "I think my feelings are a little different. The last few days, I've felt as if I was addicted to her. Today, the deep cravings to mate have gone." He ran a hand through his hair. "Now, I feel love for her, right down deep in the pit of my stomach. I want to make love to her, long and slow. Do you know what I mean?"

  "Uh huh. I sure do." Dallin rubbed his hands together. "We'll just have to push that need down until we've taken our vows. I want to have everything in order before we tell my father. As soon as we get back to the castle, I'll send for the Chancellor and Cruz. My father can't dispute our claim once witnessed."

  Lailii looked at her mates standing in the doorway. They had taken one look at her, and then frozen on the spot. Did she look so bad in a dress they had changed their minds about her? She took in their tight, black pants. Gods, the fine, charcoal material clung to their muscular thighs like a second skin and molded to their prominent sex. Dallin wore a dark blue shirt, and his hair hung like a sheet of black water down his back. Stryker had chosen a green, sleeveless tunic to show off his strong, muscular arms. Brown curls tumbled over his shoulders, the gold highlights glistening under the overhead lights. Her stomach clenched. Their expressions were unreadable.

  "Wow." Dallin grinned and walked forward. "You look sensational."

  "You smell good too." Stryker moved to Lailii's side and ran a hand down her back.

  She lifted her chin. "I'm surprised. Did you know they would cover me in mud?" She grimaced. "You have a very strange way of cleansing skin in this time." The men grinned like baboons. Lailii glared at them. "Then they made me lie on a table and practically pummeled me to death." She folded her arms across her chest.

  "Stop laughing. This is no jest."

  "We're not laughing at you." Dallin sobered. "We have other things on our minds."

  "Ready to go, sweetheart?" Stryker offered Lailii his arm. She looked from one delicious man to the other. If there was a crisis, they hid it well. Sliding her hands through their arms, she walked with them into the street. "I know there is something amiss; I can feel it."

  "Not a problem, as such." Dallin took her hand. "It is our custom in the royal family to have our joining witnessed. I will make arrangements as soon as we get home."

  "Then we will present you to the king." Stryker grinned. "There's nothing to worry about."

  They walked along the street and into the parking lot. Lailii climbed onto the flybike behind Dallin. "I believe there is a problem. Do you think the king will be disappointed in your choice for a mate?"

  "Nothing I do of late pleases him." Dallin zapped the flybike into life. "His Oracle predicted I would take a female from another Pride. I guess he just said that to make my father happy."

  "The king is into the purity of the royal line." Stryker frowned. "Although, I can't say adding your blood would make any difference. They already have ancient Fae blood in their lines."

  Lailii slipped her arms around Dallin's back. Only Pride and Fae blood run through the royal veins. I'm guessing adding my lowly bloodline will make a great deal of difference to the king.

  Chapter Eight

  Later that day, Lailii stood between her mates in a small chapel in Vane Castle. Her heart thundered against her ribs. The Chancellor, a stern, elderly man, dressed in black with a red vest, stood beside Cruz. A scribe sat at a nearby table with a massive leather-bound book open in front of him. On their return, Dallin had placed two identical gold talismans around his neck. These, he had explained, carried his royal seal. Only his chosen female could wear one of the royal amulets.

  "Lailii of the Tark, will you promise to have Prince Dallin of Vane and Stryker of Talynx for all eternity?" The Chancellor's voice echoed in the small room. "Do you promise to have no other?"

  Lailii swallowed hard. She lifted her chin to meet the old man's gaze. "I promise."

  "Do you both give your promise to Lailii of the Tark?"

  "I promise." Dallin placed one of the talismans over her head. "Let it be written that I also accept Stryker as my true mate, and all our cubs, no matter which male they favor, will be of royal blood."

  "I give my promise to Lailii and Dallin." Stryker slipped his arm around Lailii's waist and squeezed. "For all eternity."

  Dallin, and then Stryker, kissed her. Her head reeled with the passionate embraces. She heard Cruz laughing softly, and her face grew hot.

  "I wish you happiness." The Chancellor smiled thinly and turned to the scribe. He dashed his signature across the Book of Royal Joining and then turned to Cruz. "Will you witness my signature, please, Prince Cruz?"

  "Sure." Cruz grinned and added his mark to the page.

  "Are you coming with us to see father?" Dallin caught Cruz's arm before he left the room.

  "I wouldn't miss it." Cruz chuckled. "He is in the solar. Do you want me to pave the way for you?"

  "Nah." Dallin ran a hand over his face. "Would you take Lailii out of harm's way, if things get nasty?"

  "Not a problem." Cruz met Lailii's gaze. "If my father threatens to cut off your head, run to me."

  Bile rushed up Lailii's throat. Cut off her head? Dear Lady, would it come to that? She nodded, too shaken to utter a reply. They followed the Chancellor from the room and along a wide passageway. The Castle reminded her of home. Black stone walls rose in peaked arches throughout the enormous building. Magnificent rugs covered the floors, and the walls held paintings so real they could be windows into another world. Although old, even by her standards, the castle had every convenience. The modern marvels intrigued her. Water, so hard come by in her time, flowed from the walls through metal pipes. One pressed a button and water flushed a toilet, the contents vanishing to where she did not want to know.

  The vid screens frightened her. When she asked what magyck locked the people inside the black glass, instead of explaining, her mates had rolled around laughing. Would seem her difficulty in understanding fueled their hilarity. Now she must meet a king who may order her decapitation. Perhaps life in the future was not so rosy, after all.

  By the time they climbed the stairs and walked along the red carpet to the king's solar, Lailii wanted to run away and hide. Her knees trembled, and her stomach threatened to empty right there on the king's splendid rug. Dallin introduced her, and she curtsied low, not rising until the king gave permission. The king, a grey-haired version of Dallin, reclined in a large, leather chair. Unlike Dallin, the king's face bore lines of sadness. His mouth turned down at the corners, and his face appeared cast in stone.

  "You introduce this maid as Lailii of the Vane. Do my ears deceive me, or have you taken this child as your life mate?" The king got to his feet. "The Lady's rules are quite clear. No female under the age of eighteen summers is to be considered."

  "Lailii is nineteen summers, Father, and yes she is given to Stryker and me as life mate." Dallin reached for Lailii's hand. "We have registered our joining. We come here for your blessing."

  "Blessing." The king bellowed. "Look at her. She is a naught but a wood nymph. Do you honestly believe she will produce suitable princes for the Vane or a warrior heir for the throne—a leader of all the Prides?" He snorted. "You've let your cock rule your head. Mark my words, this is a mistake. The Oracle has
spoken. You are destined to take a warrior bride with clean bloodlines."

  Lailii trembled. The king's booming voice hurt her ears. She glanced at Dallin. Her mate's face was sheet white. His large hand squeezed her fingers. Stryker's warm palm cupped her elbow, and she leaned into him for support. The king would put her to death to break their bond. She bit her bottom lip until blood leaked into her mouth.

  "How dare you insult Lailii?" Dallin straightened his shoulders. "She is a Spellweaver, not a damn wood nymph. Her bloodlines will enhance our own with ancient magyck. You knew the Lady sent me to retrieve her from 3,000 years in our past, and now we know the reason why. In truth, we were delighted to discover Lailii was our mate." He smiled at Lailii. "She belongs to Stryker and me, and we love her. Nothing you can do will ever change that, Father."

  "What a load of crap." The king banged his fist on the table. "Do you really think I would believe such an outrageous lie? It's inconceivable to believe the Lady would dishonor the Vane in this way. This . . . this . . . Elf is not a suitable match for my heir. And . . . I find it hard to believe something this . . . inconsequential has any talent for magyck—let alone powers to enhance what the Vane took thousands of years to achieve."

  "It is true, sir." Stryker straightened his back. "We fought and killed the Butcher of Anwyn and, without Lailii's magyck, we would have lost many lives. Our troops will tell you the same story."

  "I was there." Cruz stepped forward. "Everything Dallin says is true. Lailii has amazing powers. Ancient powers. We are lucky to have her in the family."

  "Did I ask for your opinion?" The king glared at Cruz, then turned his attention back to Dallin. "Where did you find the girl?"

  "The Lady sent us to rescue her from a dungeon." Dallin frowned. "She was near death."

  "How long was she held prisoner?" The king rubbed his chin.

  "Six months." Dallin sighed. "My bite made her whole."

  "That is a long time for a female to be alone with mutants. What proof do you have that she does not carry a foul cub?" The king met Lailii's gaze and nodded slowly.

  "Yes, a pretty little thing like you would be a temptation no guard could resist. Chained up and deep in a dungeon where no one could hear your screams, you would be fair game."

  "No." Dallin growled deep in his chest. "She was untouched."

  "We shall see." The king turned his back and pressed his hands on the table. "If she produces a mutant, both she and the cub will burn." He turned and glared at Lailii.

  "Know this, Spellweaver, the Vane carry a royal birthmark placed by the Lady, so don't think you can fool me with a bastard."

  "Have you finished?" Dallin snarled. "This is the future queen of the Vane you're insulting."

  "For now." The king lifted his chin and glared at his son. "Make the most of the next few days with your mate. I've received reports of mutants causing trouble in Landsdown. The raids are becoming more frequent. I have reason to believe a demon has opened a portal with the intent to feed on my people. I sent Broderick and a few men to scout it out yesterday. As soon as he returns, you will be leading a battalion to drive them back to the Underworld."

  Lailii shot a glance at Dallin. She would go with him. A Spellweaver must protect their prince. She gave him a small smile. He returned her gesture with a shake of his head. Her heart sank. He planned to leave her here with his mad man of a father. She drew a deep breath to complain, and then bit back the words.

  "As you wish. Send Broderick to me with the details on his return." Dallin shrugged. "I think I'm becoming an expert on killing mutants." He ran a hand through his hair. "Is that all, Father?"

  "Yes." The king waved them away. "Get out of here."

  Stryker waited until they had walked down the stairs, and then turned to Dallin.

  "That went well."

  "He's afraid." Dallin led the way into the great hall. "He's an old man. When he met my mother, he was over two hundred summers. He only wants to ensure our bloodline."

  "Funny way of showing it."

  "It's the way he is, and he'll never change." Dallin drew Lailii close to his side.

  "Don't worry, little one. My father rarely leaves his solar, so we won't have to tolerate his biased opinions every day."

  "What about your mother?" Lailii frowned. "Will she shun me as well?"

  "Mother is . . . unpredictable." Dallin sighed. "We'll keep you away from her for as long as possible."

  Stryker shot a glare at Dallin. "Tell her the truth." He turned to Lailii. "Don't expect her to like you. She hates me because I'm a Talynx. Thank the Lady the castle is big enough to avoid Dallin's parents."

  "I am unwelcome, and yet you expect me to remain here while you go to Landsdown?" Lailii met Dallin's gaze.

  "Yes. It won't be so bad." Dallin rubbed her back. "I'll only be gone a week, at the most."

  "I want to ride beside you. I am a Spellweaver. It is my place to be beside my mates." Lailii frowned. "Have you lost interest in me so soon?" Taking her hand, Stryker looked into her troubled eyes. "Sweetheart—that will never happen."

  "We love you, and that won't change as long as we live. Trouble is, little one, you've been through enough these past months, and we don't want you in danger." Dallin sighed. "We can't be sure if Passio is behind the mutant raids. The Lady did mention he could travel through time. It could be a trap. It's safe here, even if you have to put up with my parents."

  "I won't know what do here alone. I don't know anybody." Lailii gripped Dallin's arm.

  "I will arrange a tour of the castle for you." Dallin smiled. "I want you to be happy. The entire north wing belongs to me. Will you make it into a home for us? Can you do that for me?"

  "I would love to do that, but please, Dallin, I don't want to stay here without you. I don't know your ways," Lailii replied.

  Stryker shot Dallin a glare. Their mate was on the point of becoming hysterical.

  "You won't have to interact with anyone you don't know until we return." Dallin covered Lailii's hand. "You can stay in the north wing the entire time, so there is nothing to worry about, little one."

  Inside the great hall, the room hummed with conversation. Dinner at the castle was always a friendly affair. Stryker paused at the royal table. The aroma of freshly baked bread, roasted meat, and pumpkin soup wafted under his nose. His stomach rumbled. He pulled out a chair for Lailii. The female's face was chalk white. He smiled at her. "We aren't going tomorrow. I'm guessing it will be over a week before we leave. We'll have time to show you around and make sure you're settled."

  "Relax." Dallin smiled and sat down beside Lailii. "And smile. My people will think we're arguing."

  Stryker laughed. Lailii's grin was like a grimace. He moved closer and whispered in her ear. "I want you to imagine a real bed with me and Dal making passionate love to you all night."

  He watched her cheeks color. "I can't wait to taste you again. I want to run my tongue up your inner thigh right now." He touched her leg. "Will you suck me while Dallin takes my ass?"

  "Stryker . . . please." Lailii glared at him.

  With a chuckle, Stryker reached for the soup. "Hey, Dal, don't you love it when she begs?"

  "Oh, yeah." Dallin groaned.

  * * * * *

  After dinner, Stryker took Lailii's hand and led her from the great hall. "I'll show you our rooms. Dallin is organizing a maid for you."

  "I don't want a maid." Lailii lifted her chin. "I am perfectly capable of dressing myself, thank you." She turned to look at Stryker. "I don't believe I will enjoy having another female close to my mates."

  Jealousy. That has to be a good sign. Stryker led her up a winding staircase and through a heavy wooden door into the north wing. "When we're away, you will need a female to escort you around the castle and to arrange meals and the like. We can hardly leave a male, can we?" He stopped to speak to the guards. "Prince Dallin has taken Princess Lailii as his life mate. He is on his way with your orders."

  The guards bowed respectfully
and allowed them to pass into the hallway. Lailii glanced around. Apart from the odd landscape painting and walls of ancient weaponry, this part of the castle held nothing of comfort. No wonder Dallin expected her to make this barren wing a home. She wondered how he could have lived here so long without at least some modicum of furnishings.

  She followed Stryker. A blast of cold air sent a shiver down her spine. "Where is that breeze coming from?"

  "That would be the arrow slits. Most of them are covered, but Dallin hasn't lived here for the past few years, so I guess the king didn't bother to do any maintenance. The rooms will be clean and the bed linen fresh. Dallin gave orders before he left." The corridor turned a sharp left, and Stryker stopped outside a very plain wooden door and smiled brilliantly at her. "This is our room." He pushed open the door and stood to one side to let Lailii pass. "It's made for comfort." Lailii stopped in the doorway and peered inside. Thick, burgundy rugs covered the floor. She stepped into a comfortable sitting room, with long, beige leather sofas arranged around a low table. Through an open door, Lailii could make out a massive bed. "This looks very nice. What other rooms are available?"

  "Open any door." Dallin appeared behind them. "The entire north wing is ours." He opened his arms wide.

  With a gasp, Lailii clamped her hand over her mouth. This new magyck would take a little getting used to. She drew a deep breath and turned to Dallin. "You startled me. I assume you jumped here?"