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The Mackenzie, The Trilogy Box Set Page 4

  Lord Balham reached nonchalantly into his waistcoat pocket and took out an enameled snuffbox. He placed a delicate pinch on the back of one hand, sniffed the aromatic powder, and sneezed violently. He straightened, and leveled a menacing gaze on her.

  “The only words of agreement I require from you, my dear, is during our marriage ceremony at the church.”

  She lifted her chin, glad of the small crowd gathering in the doorway. A fine audience indeed to denounce his disagreeable suit. “Are you in your cups, sir, for I can find no other excuse for such intolerable behavior?”

  “You will accept me or tarnish your father’s good name.” Lord Balham’s face had turned the shade of a beetroot and spittle shot from his mouth. “He gave me his word.”

  Shocked, she pressed a hand to her chest. How could her father consider such a disgusting man as a suitable match for her? She gathered her courage. “My father would not do such thing without first consulting me. Indeed, I would rather lay violent hands upon myself than accept an offer of marriage from you, Lord Balham. To be sure, death would be a more favorable outcome than to agree to a match with you.” She turned and lifting her full skirts glared back at him. “Do not think of following me, sir.”

  Her head hummed and a pulse thundered in her ears. She turned toward the crowd and the interested spectators parted to allow her to pass. Shock from the encounter had set her knees trembling, but she took a deep breath, straightened, and headed to the retiring room. Word of the confrontation would move through society in seconds. She ignored the women taking respite from the ball, and waving to a servant to attend her, collapsed on a sofa.

  A plump round-faced maid approached her and bobbed a curtsey.

  “Are you well, milady? Do you require a cloth soaked in vinegar perhaps, or I have some feathers I could burn for you?”

  Taking a glass of cordial from a tray on the table, Adrianna forced her trembling lips into a smile. “I thank you for your concern, but I am quite well. I will only require some fresh air. The ballroom is exceedingly hot this evening.”

  Staring at the gold ornate pattern on the small table, she tapped her fan in the palm of one hand. The memory of the handsome Scott’s liquid gaze lingered in her mind. I do hope my altercation with Lord Balham does not reach his ears. He may have second thoughts about calling on me.

  To be sure, Lord Balham’s bold declarations had come without warning and shocked her. The entire affair made no sense. Lord Balham had little to offer. Indeed, his paltry Essex estate offered nothing but boredom. He had no influence over the king, or indeed anyone. His life was as bland as bread and milk. Why would my father agree to a match with him? His disturbing words repeated in her mind.

  “Your father gave me his word.”

  To be sure, her father could not force her to accept Lord Balham now, but then again if he had given his word, would she be obliged to consider the match to save his honor? He did not offer me such consideration, did he?

  Resolute, she would refuse Lord Balham no matter what the cost. She placed the glass of cordial on a small table, and addressed the maidservant. “Brandy if you please.”

  She ignored the woman’s scandalized expression. To be sure, she would need more than cordial to bolster her resolve. Taking the drink from a silver tray, she upended the glass, and gasped. The liquid cut a scorching path down her throat, but the throbbing in her head eased and clarity of thought prevailed. Determined to guide her own destiny, she leaned back to form a plan. She would confide her concerns to her good and trusted friend, Lord Rupert, and seek his counsel. He may well be able to introduce her to the Scottish stranger. Yes, if her father was agreeable to old Lord Balham as a match, surely he would give due consideration to a fine young gentleman.

  The door opened to admit another housemaid. The girl moved toward her and curtsied her cheeks flushed with excitement.

  “Begging pardon, milady, but Lord Rupert is in the hallway. He requests a private word with you. Shall I inform him you are indisposed?”

  How fortunate. No doubt, he has come to offer his support. Dear Rupert, I am truly blessed to have such a friend. She bit back the smile hovering on her lips at the girl’s flustered demeanor. Lord Rupert had the same effect on most women. “Yes. Please show Lord Rupert to the sitting room and inform him, I will be with him shortly.” She waved her from the room.

  In her periphery, she noticed a servant wearing white cap and crisp apron, waiting expectantly.

  “May I tidy your hair, milady?”

  Standing, Adrianna shook out her skirts and moved toward the dressing table. She sat in a white ornate chair before a superbly crafted dressing table of French design and peered with some trepidation into the mirror at her reflection. A woman with an angry disposition and flushed cheeks stared back at her. With considerable effort, she arranged her features into a well-trained expression of haughty disinterest. Powder would cover the irritated blush to her cheeks and years of hiding her innermost thoughts would carry her through the ordeal of discussing her humiliation with Lord Rupert.

  A few moments later, curls pinned in place and her gown smoothed, she stepped through the adjoining door into the private sitting room. Lord Rupert stood with his back to the fireplace, his superbly fitted green jacket matched his eyes, and worn over a stylish yellow waistcoat embroidered with rearing horses, he was indeed the epitome of fashion. To be sure, he cut a fine figure of a man, broad of shoulder with a narrow waist, and long legs encased in the finest breeches. His eyes danced with mischief at her arrival.

  “My dear Lady Adrianna. I am your most obedient servant.” He took her hand and bowed low bestowing a light kiss over her knuckles. He straightened and his gaze flicked toward the maid standing in the open doorway. “As the noise from the ballroom is considerate would you permit me to request a maid or perhaps two remain with us so we may close the door to speak on a private matter?”

  She raised one eyebrow in query but he offered no further explanation. Wishing she could read his mind, she nodded in agreement. It would seem Lord Rupert had the ability to mask his thoughts too. She gave her curtsy. “Yes, of course, but I am sure one maid is sufficient to avoid a compromising situation.” She turned toward the woman. “Close the door and take a seat over there.” She pointed to a window seat at the far end of the room and a safe distance away to avoid anyone eavesdropping on her conversation.

  Lord Rupert clasped his hands beneath the tails of his jacket and waited with more than a little apprehension for the woman to retire. On his return from pointing Drew in the direction of the rotunda, he had witnessed the entire outrageous discourse with Lord Balham. The betrayed expression on Lady Adrianna’s face as she fled to the retiring room angered him. Her father had treated her more like a chess piece in his particular game of life, rather than a daughter to be loved and cherished. In consequence, he immediately approached Lord Beachwood and requested permission to call on her. After the public denouncement of Lord Balham, her father had dropped his regal façade and practically tripped over his tongue in astonishment.

  Lady Adrianna’s blue stare and silence unnerved him. He observed her with interest. She gave the outward appearance of serenity as if the unpleasantness with Lord Balham had not occurred. He met her bland expression with a smile and raised his voice for the maid to hear. The below-stairs gossip would be an invaluable asset for his deceit. “My dearest Adrianna, your father has given me permission to call on you.” He winked at her dumbfounded countenance. “Would you be in agreement?” He offered his arm and led her to the far end of the room then dropped his voice to a whisper. “May I speak with you about a certain Scottish gentleman?”

  Her fan came up to cover her face and the fingers on his arm trembled. Concerned by her distress, he stepped away then noticed her shoulders shook with mirth.

  “How fortuitous, I had intended to discuss him with you.” She dropped her fan and her lips curled into a delightful smile. “Surely you do not seek a match with me so what devious pla
n have you concocted, my lord?”

  He drew a deep breath and met her forget-me-not gaze. “I feel for you as a sister, not as a wife and if this offends, I must apologize. However, a certain gentleman who I know to be of good character finds you most desirable and I come in his stead to arrange a meeting.” Her cheeks colored and he smiled. “I believe you have given him permission to call on you?”

  “Yes, I have but why does he require a go-between and not seek my father’s permission to call on me himself?” Both her sienna eyebrows raised in question. “I have given him my thoughts on the matter.”

  Should he explain her father’s threats and risk her immediate rejection of his cousin? No, surely one white lie would do no harm. He shrugged and waved a hand in dismissal. “Unfortunately, at this point in time, I fear he would not pass muster to gain your father’s consideration as he has nothing to offer as a prospective match. Although, he is heir to a considerable estate, indeed, he will one day be Laird of Clan Mackenzie and is in a fortuitous business venture with me.” He smiled at her astonished expression. “He is not a pauper by any means as I gather you would have noticed by his attire. He comes into a considerable fortune on his majority in six months, is an educated man, and has recently returned from King Louis’s Court where he is a confidant of the king.”

  Adrianna glanced up at him and her eyes rounded in astonishment. She lifted a gold embossed fan to cover her flushed face.

  “Is he a rake for he certainly has a way with words?”

  Taken aback by her bluntness, he straightened. “I am not at liberty to discuss a gentleman’s fancies, but I can convey that his intentions toward you are honorable and should you wish to meet him in the garden this evening after supper, I will act as chaperone.”

  “A secret meeting?” Her cheeks pinked. “Do you not think that is a trifle unwise?”

  He inclined his head and smiled. “I would not condone a meeting with him alone, my lady. I will continue in my role as chaperone to allow you to know him better. Once, he has met the necessary requirements to call on you he will approach your father.”

  “I would like to meet him again and be formally introduced.” Adrianna dropped her fan to reveal a brilliant smile. “To be sure, you are a good friend, Rupert.” She touched his arm. “My heart is all a twitter to be involved in such scandalous intrigue.”

  * * * *

  Drew paced back and forth along the dark pathway, melting into the shadows each time a couple strolled along the parallel walkway within sight of him. Apprehension shivered down his spine. To act in such a dishonorable fashion with an innocent girl curdled his wame. He snorted in derision at Lord Beachwood’s uncharitable words toward him. Christ, did being the son of a Scottish Laird have so little meaning in England, he had to skulk around in the dark rather than openly declare his intentions?

  To think King Louis had given him liberty to court any French lady of his choosing and yet he had refused. Indeed, before meeting Lady Adrianna, he had not given a fig about becoming leg-shackled. So why had this particular lass caught his fancy?

  He swiped at the swarm of annoying insects buzzing incessantly around his head sending them to join the clouds of gnats hovering around the lamps bordering the pathway. He turned his attention to the lake looming before him, black and dangerous. Weeping willows hung over the water their branches like the bent backs of witches. An owl hooted overhead encouraging the songs of a thousand frogs to sound a warning. The noise and splashes of their dash to safety obliterated the music drifting from the ballroom and left the rotunda in eerie chaos.

  He stared at the terrace hoping to catch sight of Lord Rupert and Lady Adrianna moving through the French doors. Would she go against propriety and agree to meet with him? He rolled his shoulders appalled at making such flagitious plans with Rupert. A smuggler he may be, but he placed his honor above all things. Had the chance meeting of one beautiful woman changed his character to such a degree? Disgusted with his lack of chivalry, he dashed a hand through his hair tearing the ribbon from the neat queue. The image of Lady Adrianna in the arms of Lord Balham had infuriated him beyond reason. I can only hope I am doing the honorable thing by saving a beautiful woman from the clutches of a disgusting old man.

  His attention moved back to the terrace and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of her descending the steps on the arm of Lord Rupert. He moved into the shadows and quickly put his hair to rights. The couple strolled along the pathway nodding and exchanging pleasantries with other couples before slipping unnoticed along the shadowed entrance to the rotunda. As she stepped into view, moonlight poured over her turning her blue eyes into dark, unreadable pools. He drew a deep breath inhaling the floral scent of her and waited for Rupert’s introduction.

  “My Lady Adrianna, I believe you have met Drew Mackenzie of Badenoch?” Rupert stepped back into the shadows.

  Drew reached for her hand and bowing lifted her trembling fingers to his lips. “I am your most obedient servant, ma lady, and I thank you for trusting to meet me in such an unusual fashion.”

  “Mister Mackenzie.” Lady Adrianna bobbed a curtsy but did not withdraw her hand.

  Her unexpected boldness unnerved him. He stared down at their linked fingers and for once in his life the witty compliments, he used so frequently to lure a woman to his bed deserted him. Her fingers fluttered in his hand like the uncertain wings of a small bird. He cleared his throat. “Forgive me, ma lady, I suddenly find myself without the words to express how delighted I am ye have agreed to meet with me.”

  A soft, feminine laugh drifted to his ears and moonlight flooded over her smiling face revealing a flash of perfect white teeth.

  “I can assure you, I do not make a practice of meeting strangers under the cover of dark, but I must admit you have me intrigued, Mister Mackenzie.” Adrianna giggled. “To be sure, to render a man speechless must be a feat indeed?”

  He welcomed the darkness covering the heat rising into his cheeks. “I admit ye are a rare beauty and I hope ye will accept ma apologies for the necessity of meeting ye in such an unseemly manner but nay doubt Rupert has explained why I am unable to approach your father at this time.” He moved closer to allow her to view his expression in the stream of moonlight. “However, I am an honorable man so, afore I continue, I must ken the truth of the rumor that ye are betrothed to Lord Balham.”

  Her small hand closed around his fingers and his heart raced in anticipation.

  “A rumor indeed. No, I am not marrying Lord Balham. He attempted to compromise me this evening and I gather with my father’s blessing.” A flash of anger crossed her countenance and she lifted her chin with a determined air. “I assume you were not privy to the altercation between Lord Balham and myself before supper?”

  He met the determined look in her eyes and raised an eyebrow in question. “I did not. I hope the witless idiot dinna touch ye inappropriately?”

  “He did and I made a public declaration that I would rather commit self-murder than marry him.” She smiled ruefully and wet her bottom lip in a subtle invitation of intimacy. “To be sure, I would much prefer the attentions of a younger gentleman.”

  His gaze went to the slick of moisture on her bottom lip and the heat surging to his groin made his breeches intolerably tight. Good Lord, she might yet allow him to kiss her. He forced his dry mouth to form coherent speech. “Well then, if ye prefer a younger gentleman, would ye allow me to call on ye, wi’ Lord Rupert as chaperone of course, but I am afraid, without the permission of your father?”

  “To what ends, Mister Mackenzie?” She took a single step toward him, tightened her grip, and tilting up her chin scrutinized his expression. “How will clandestine meetings signify if you believe my father will refuse an offer from you?”

  “I dare say he will run me out of London if he discovers I met with ye tonight.” He covered her hand and bent closer. “Apart from my honor, I have little for him to consider until I reach my majority in six months. I imagine your father would believe
I am interested in your fortune and as Lord Rupert can attest, this is not the case, not at all.” He sighed. “I asked Lord Rupert to arranged this meeting because I believe there is a spark of something between us and if this is the case then only a fool would want ye accepting a match wi’ the likes of Lord Balham.”

  “You have not answered my question, Mister Mackenzie. To what ends? I admit I flirted with you in the passageway, but I am not a light skirt.” Her tongue darted across her lips again as if tasting the passion-filled air between them. “If you do not have noble intentions toward me, there is little point of us meeting again.”

  “I dinna ken what the future holds for us, but I am an honorable man and do not seek ye as a mistress. However, if ye agree to make ma acquaintance or not, I will abide by your verdict.” He sighed and rubbed his thumb in small circles over the back of her gloved hand. “Will ye agree to walk wi’ me in the Hampton Court Maze on the morrow and discuss this matter further?”

  Rupert’s voice came out of the shadows.

  “I have received an invitation from the Prince of Wales to attend a garden party and Mister Mackenzie is my guest. I am sure if your father will allow you to accompany me. The maze would be most private.”

  “Well then, I would like it of all things.” Lady Adrianna squeezed Drew’s hand. “I will look forward to speaking with you in the sunshine, Mister Mackenzie.” She giggled. “As we are acting with such indiscretion, may I use your Christian name?”

  “Aye, if I may call you Adrianna?”

  He ignored Rupert’s snort of disapproval and bent closer to catch her reply. Her words came out on a sigh.

  “Please, do.” She swayed toward him and pressed one gloved hand on his chest.

  “Sweet, Adrianna.” Without a second thought, he drew her against him. Rather than pulling away as he had expected, she made soft mewing sounds and gripped the front of his jacket.