Shifters and Demons Read online

Page 14

  "I agree to your terms, sweet lady. Tonight, we will take but a morsel. You cannot die from our bloodletting, but your powers will indeed fail." Passio smiled benevolently. "I will escort you to the Gate. You may feast your eyes on the panoramic vistas. Such beauty will boost your powers. Of course, for this indulgence, I will take another sip of blood. Do we have an agreement?"

  I have no choice if I want to live. Lailii nodded. "Very well, but I'll agree if you promise to take only a little of my blood each time."

  "As you wish." Passio helped her from the bed and led her to the door. "As you are weak, we shall walk the few steps to the Gate."

  They walked along a long passageway. If she intended to sneak about this place looking for an escape, she must be able to find her way back to her room. She counted the doors. Her room was the fourth from the vestibule. They reached a ballroom, and Passio led her toward a massive Gate. The desire to fling herself through the first scene deserted her the second she noticed the guards. At least six of the brutes stood in the shadows, dark, menacing sentries, evil to the core. She shivered. So much dark magyck flowed through this room, the hairs on her nape stood bolt upright. She concentrated on the Gate and the many scenes flashing by. When she saw Vane Castle far in the distance, its windows ablaze with light, her heart gave a small lurch. Power flowed into her at the knowledge her mates were just a step away.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed swirls of mist. The room grew cold, and the smell of violets increased tenfold. The awful sensation of someone watching her crept into her consciousness. She glanced around. A crowd of ghostly shadows moved closer. Translucent faces slid in and out of focus. In places, the air shimmered, and people materialized, all wearing different costumes from all times in history. She

  swallowed hard. The demons had fangs and eyes as red as blood. Their unwavering attention focused entirely on her.

  "Continue to watch the Gate, dear one." Passio turned her toward the Gate. "My friends are only curious. I only allow them to come out at night. You are a refreshing change from watching the floggings in the dungeon."

  Don't let them distract you. Lailii concentrated on the scenes. She opened her mind and absorbed as much power as possible. In a single thought, she boosted the spell around her cub and turned to Passio. "I will need to return in the daylight. There is little I can gain from the night."

  "Go back to your rooms." Passio addressed the crowd. "When Lailii is ready to entertain you, I will call for you." He took Lailii's elbow. "You glow so charmingly when you recharge. Come, I'll send you back to your chamber." In an instant, Lailii arrived in her room. Passio lifted her onto the bed, and both men sat beside her, taking hold of her wrists like before. The demons dropped their fangs and bit into her wrists simultaneously. Pain seared up her arms. Lailii cried out. They bit down hard, tearing through her flesh and entering her veins. Bile rushed into her mouth. Passio lifted his head, pushing a strand of fair hair from his face. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth and ran down his hairless chest to drip off one flat nipple.

  "Your blood intoxicates." Passio pulled Kaos up by his hair. "Enough. I am drunk with the euphoria of white magyck."

  Lailii gaped at the open holes in her wrists and pulled her throbbing arms to her chest. The demons swayed, giggling and pointing at each other. Kaos climbed awkwardly across the bed and kissed Passio, then began to lick the trail of blood running down the demon's chest. Kaos grunted like a pig and suckled on Passio's small, brown nipple. Passio grasped his friend's head and forced him downward. Kaos obediently bent his head to swallow his master's swollen shaft. Passio grinned sheepishly at Lailii. She turned her head away and closed her eyes, too weak to escape the noise of the demons' debauchery.

  Sometime later, Passio began to laugh. The sound of his merriment faded away. The room became freezing cold. Lailii opened her eyes. Both demons had vanished. She slid under the blankets and examined her wrists. Not a mark remained. Her heart rate began to return to normal. She must escape this hell. Her only chance would be to drug the demons. She could do this. With a sigh, she lay back and began to weave a spell. When demons seek my blood,

  Release a potent drug,

  Fueled by magyck so white,

  No demon may fight.

  Sleep will come, with no harm to my little one.

  As so I say, so mote it be.

  In the morning, once the Gate's vistas recharged her powers, she would allow the demons to feed. The spell would put them to sleep. Then she would make her escape. She may be able to reach the portal. If she ran toward the Gate, the guards may not catch her. Gods, she wished Dallin had taught her how to jump. She closed her eyes and allowed sleep to come.

  She walked into the sunshine and rested her hand on Argos. The wind brushed her hair, and the sweet scent of roses filled the air.

  "There you are." Stryker stepped into the sunlight and touched her face. "Dallin is here too. I'm in your dreamscape, sweetheart."

  Lailii turned to see Dallin walking toward her. She opened her arms, and he pulled her close to his hard body. She sighed. "You feel so real."

  "We know you are with Passio, little one." Dallin lifted her chin. "I'm coming to get you. The Lady has a plan."

  "Where are you?" Stryker slid his arm around her waist. "Dallin knows the castle." So warm, she wanted to snuggle into the safe cocoon of her mates' love. With a sigh, she met Stryker's green gaze. "I'm in the fourth room from the vestibule, not far from the Gate room. There are others here—ghosts or apparitions— but Passio only allows them to appear at night.

  Passio has a second, a demon he calls Kaos. I've weaved a spell; when they drink my blood again, they'll fall asleep.

  "When they drink again? Gods, little one, are they draining your blood?" Dallin cursed colorfully.

  "What about our cub? The poison may kill him." Stryker said.

  "He is safe, bound in an impenetrable spell. They took only a little blood from my wrists. Don't worry; it's nothing. In the morning, I'll regenerate my powers. They'll drink again and fall asleep."

  "Delay for as long as you can. Insist on eating—anything. I'll go to the Lady at first light and seek her guidance." Dallin kissed her. "I will come for you—I promise." He dropped his arms and disappeared.

  Lailii turned to Stryker and kissed him. "I wish we could communicate like this all the time."

  "Sleep now, knowing we are on our way." Stryker stepped away and faded into the shadows.

  Chapter Twelve

  Dallin rolled out of bed. The sound of water running led him to the shower. He stepped into the cubicle behind Stryker and let the hot water run down his body. "You should have waked me."

  "I did. You said you were awake. I've ordered breakfast, and don't tell me you can't eat. You know the rules, king, or no king. You will eat before you go into combat." Stryker stepped from the shower and shook his hair, sending water spraying in all directions. He gave Dallin a long, hot look. "I can't live without you. Lailii and me, we need you to complete us. Promise me you'll come back."

  "Trust me; I'm not planning on staying voluntarily." Dallin grimaced. "How about you promising me you won't leave me in hell? I don't want to end up Passio's ass slave."

  "I'll get you out." Stryker reached for a towel. "Have I ever let you down?" Dallin turned off the water using magyck and stared at Stryker. The man always had his back in battle. He could trust him with his life, but this was different. Gods, he was scared, terrified of failing. The thought of going into the Underworld filled him with dread. Lailii's sweet face invaded his thoughts. He swallowed hard. For the first time, his path was clear. He would bring her out of the Underworld. Whatever it takes, little one, whatever it takes.

  He looked at Stryker, realizing the man still waited for his answer. "No, you have never let me down."

  * * * * *

  One hour later, the sun crept above the horizon. Dallin walked purposefully toward the Lady's grotto, Buzz perched on his shoulder. He had no idea why the Loop
had insisted on accompanying him. Stryker and his brothers fell in step beside him, the early morning mist swirling around their legs with every stride. They had his orders and all waited to discover what the Lady had planned. Their boots crunched on the gravel pathway to the Lady's grotto. Dallin paused at the gate and turned to his brothers. "I will go inside with Stryker."

  The princes said nothing in reply. Dallin drew a deep breath and moved into the vestibule. He washed his hands and waited until Stryker did likewise. They stepped through the swirling blue portal together. Stryker gasped something unintelligible and dropped to his knees. The Loop jumped from Dallin's shoulder and went straight to the shimmering figure of the Lady. Speechless, Dallin fell to his knees beside his lover.

  " The Great One, recognizing our dilemma, has granted me a few considerations." The Lady opened her arms. "There is no way for a mortal to enter the Gate to the Underworld unless escorted by a demon. Therefore, I give you a choice. Immortality will gain you entrance, but if you fail, you will suffer an eternity of misery. If you succeed, you have my daughter for all time." She began to pace. "Secondly, you cannot enter directly into Passio's castle; the gate is

  heavily guarded. You will have to breach the stronghold. As the Great One built the castle, he designed passageways for this purpose. One lies beneath the rear of the fourth tower." She stopped pacing and gazed down at Dallin. " The Loop is your transport. At your command, she will become the fiercest dragon or a Terravampire. The latter will allow you to enter the Underworld undetected. Get inside the castle, rescue my daughter, and leave by the Gate. The Loop will carry you from the mountain to safety. Stryker will wait at the portal, for the demon has Gates into many times in history. Do not move through the Gate until you see Stryker on the other side."

  Dallin's blood pounded in his ears. He had so many questions. Drawing a steadying breath, he met the Lady's gaze. "How will I fight? The guards are powerful, and the use of my magyck causes great pain. What weapon may I carry to destroy Passio? And what of the other wretched souls trapped in the dungeons?"

  "I will weep for their lost souls. Listen to me, Dallin. The Lords of Darkness do not control white magyck. You will have all your powers, although Passio may well be able to see through your cloak of invisibility. If you are injured, you will have the ability to regenerate. You will never age. Only decapitation will end your life and that of Passio. Engage the demons at your peril. They will fight as a pair. Know that they bleed as you do and feel pain. Use your wits and magyck to escape." The Lady moved closer. "Time is running out, Dallin; do you agree to forgo true death and join the earthbound immortals?" Without hesitation, Dallin nodded his consent. "Yes."

  "Then I bestow upon you the armor of Arious, the strength of twenty, and the gift of immortality."

  Black scales crept over Dallin's body from knuckles to neck. He flexed his fists and sprang to his feet. The armor moved like a second skin. "Does this come off?"

  "Aye, with a thought. However, guard your thoughts, Dallin, for now they control powerful magyck. Fight well, my champion." The Lady faded into a blue mist. Dallin glanced down at Stryker. "Stand up; we have work to do." He scooped up Buzz and headed for the door. "Fancy the Loop being a dragon in disguise?"

  Stryker followed in silence. Dallin had grown another six inches in height, and his body mass had increased. Immortality certainly had its rewards. Pain gripped his heart. Whatever happened today, Dallin and Lailii were lost to him forever, even if they returned from the Underworld. In a millisecond of their time, he would grow old, and they would soon lose interest in him. He shook his head, dismayed at his selfishness. His lover would fight demons today, and all he could think of was his own stupid insecurities. Get a fucking grip. He needs me—they need me.

  Dallin dropped Buzz onto the floor and took the tunic and belt Cruz offered. He pulled the tunic over his armor, strapped on the belt, and checked the dagger and the small bottle of holy water. He slipped his dirk into the scabbard concealed in his boot, and then attached a leather helm to his belt. His brothers had said little during his explanation of the Lady's plan.

  "I wish we could go with you." Kaden slapped Dallin on the back.

  "Then he would fail." Stryker replied. "His talent will hide him from the guards. We must have faith in the Lady's plan."

  "Her plan doesn't cover a demon or two following us through the gate." Dallin frowned. "While I'm away, use Buzz to ferry as much fire power as the Gate plateau can carry. Have my men fully aware of the situation and ready to fight." A strange calm seeped into Dallin. The years of training for battle fell into place. Fear would come, he knew, but the rush of adrenalin would soon push doubts aside. The knowledge he may die took second place to the importance of the mission. I am the King of the Prides, I am the Lady's Champion, I will succeed. He called Buzz to his side and bent to look into her four green eyes. "Listen to me. On your return from the Underworld, I command you to take orders from Stryker and Cruz. Now change into a dragon, and fly us to the Gate."

  The Loop ran into the clearing. With a rush of wind so fierce Dallin fought to keep on his feet, Buzz exploded into a black dragon. The beast lifted its head and roared, shaking the ground and bending the treetops. Birds took to the sky, and small

  animals ran for cover. Dallin lifted his head to gaze at the awesome creature. Black as night, glossy scales covered her body to the tip of a long, forked tail. Spikes ran from her shoulders down the entire length of her body. The dragon's head, with blue eyes as big as lagoons, tapered to flared nostrils, and a maw filled with brilliant white teeth. Dallin grinned. "You are magnificent."

  "You should see my wings." Buzz dropped her head and snorted great clouds of steam.

  The dragon's voice boomed in Dallin's head. Gods, he could communicate telepathically with a dragon. "Show me."

  Buzz lifted her head, the scales on her long neck glistening in the early morning sunlight. With a whoosh, her wings unfurled. The gigantic bat wings felled trees and sent the remaining animal population of Demon Island running for cover.

  "Holy fuck." Stryker gripped Dallin's arm. "You sure you can control that thing?

  You do remember she hates my guts, right?"

  Unafraid, Dallin walked toward the dragon. "I knew she was special the day I found her." He shot a glance at Stryker. "She will do what I say. My main worry is how we get onto her back."

  The dragon dropped flat on the ground. With little effort, Dallin climbed up and slid between the spikes on her back. Stryker tossed up the supplies, and then, with an anguished look, climbed up behind Dallin.

  Dallin threw him a grin. "Hang on." He patted Buzz's neck. "Okay girl, take us to the Gate."

  Dallin gripped the spikes, his heart thundered. The dragon crouched, and then speared into the air. They soared high above the clouds, and Demon Island became a small dot in the endless blue ocean. The dragon hovered in the freezing air. Wind filled its wings like the sails of an ancient ship. Dallin understood the joy surging through his dragon. How long had she remained imprisoned in the Loop's body? He pushed against her mind. Soon, we will be free to ride together across the skies, but first I need you to

  help me rescue Lailii and my son. I will never ask you to be a Loop again if this is your wish; you have my word.

  "I would have the best of both worlds, my prince." Buzz chuckled. "On cold nights, your bed is very warm."

  The dragon tipped to one side and soared downward. Dallin heard Stryker swear. He held his breath until they landed precariously on the side of the mountain. Buzz attached her massive body to the sheer rock face by her sharp talons. Dallin unhooked the supplies and threw them onto the small plateau in front of the Gate. He grabbed Stryker by the arm, and using his superior strength helped him onto the ledge. A cold wind whistled past their ears. They crawled along the small walkway and into a cave. "Thank the Lady, there's a cave here. Problem is, there's no room to fight if Passio follows me through the Gate."

  "Leave that to me." Stryker dragged th
e supplies into the cave. "You should go. Gods' speed."

  Dallin pulled his lover close and inhaled his rich scent. Their lips met in a tender kiss that said more than words. With a long sigh, Dallin lifted his head and met Stryker's gaze. "When you name our son, remember he is a king."

  "Then I shall leave that honor to you, my king." Stryker gave Dallin an exaggerated bow. "Go get our mate."

  Without a backward glance, Dallin strode back along the walkway and leapt onto the dragon's back. The beast pushed away from the cliff and soared into the air, morphing into a Terravampire. Dallin flattened his body against the smooth-skinned beast and wrapped his arms around the creature's neck, hanging on for dear life. They circled the top of the mountain, watching the changing scenes on the Gate. Passio's castle loomed in the Gate's depths, followed by the scene of the ballroom. Other vistas flashed by in three-minute intervals. As the sequence replayed, Buzz moved skyward, her Terravampire body hovering in an updraft of wind. With unnerving accuracy, she plunged forward, entering the gate the split second it changed. They soared into the Underworld unnoticed and circled the castle.

  Black clouds raced across the sky, emphasizing the misery of the place. Lightning flashed in quick succession, sending the stink of burnt earth into the air. The land of never-ending night—a fitting place for the evil housed there. Terravampires screeched, landing en masse to feed on the bodies of Passio's torture victims piled high at the postern gate. Buzz began her descent, tucking her sleek, black wings close to her sides, and then dropping unnoticed at the back of the castle. The secret passageway began under a clump of bushes beneath the fourth tower. Dallin slipped from her back. "Good girl. Go back to Stryker."

  "If you need me, I will come." Buzz pushed Dallin with her nose. Dallin watched Buzz soar into the air. Suddenly, painfully alone, he stood to his full height and glanced around. Using his cat's night vision, he counted the towers and then moved swiftly toward the clump of bushes under the fourth one. Forming a small, illumination globe, he sent the spinning ball of light into the undergrowth to seek out the entrance. He dragged the shrubs apart and squeezed into a tunnel covered with cobwebs and housing spiders bigger than his fist. The globe showed the way upward. Dallin ignored the snakes and other reptiles and began to climb the dirt path. Soil trickled down at every step; the passage was unstable and near collapse. He rounded a bend and stopped before a pile of fallen rocks. With a flick of his hand, he used magyck to push open a small aperture and crawled through on all fours. This part of the tunnel opened up. Large flagstones covered the floor, and the walls were made of granite. Dallin shook the dust from his hair and continued. Water streamed down the walls, and the disgusting stench of death filled the air. The passageway began to break into a series of tunnels. He glanced around, not sure which way to proceed. The stench came from the tunnels to the left—the dungeons. He would move to the right in the hope the way led to the part of the castle where Passio had imprisoned Lailii. Dragging the leather helm from his belt, he stopped for a second to listen. His blood pounded in his ears. In the distance, he could hear the sound of music. He forced the helm over his head. If he ran into Passio or his friend, Kaos, would he pass for a guard?